A neurodivergent young person recently described their experience at Bluestone as the ‘best time ever!’ in a school diary entry. The young person went on the trip with their unpaid parent carers and was gushing about the impact the short break had on their family.
Trips such as these can be life-changing and bring with it immense benefits on a person’s wellbeing.
Karen Mills, Chief Executive of AP Cymru said, ‘AP Cymru were so pleased to hear the announcement of the continuation of the Short Break Opportunities for unpaid carers though the Short Breaks Programme.
Our families are delighted that this brilliant programme will continue. We have all seen first-hand the incredible impact they have on neurodivergent families. A holiday or short break gives families a chance to create special memories and recharge. As our staff team have lots of lived experience, they totally understand the unique needs of neurodivergent young people and their unpaid carers’.
Karen continued, ‘Family breaks were so important for my own family so I have been delighted that this programme is continuing. It also overlaps with our ‘Theory of Change’ Framework which underpins all our work’.
‘We would like to extend a huge thanks to the Short Breaks Scheme Wales, Bluestone and Welsh Government for making these brilliant experiences possible and for helping us to create special moments for our young people and their families’.
AP Cymru is seeking further funding in 2025/26 to continue to expand this opportunity for more neurodivergent young people and their unpaid carers. As the holiday breaks approach, the charity recognises the importance of helping unpaid parents and carers with appropriate strategies to assist neurodivergent family members to enjoy these periods of rest and self care with confidence.
The staff and volunteer team at AP Cymru are proud to provide help and advice to make sure all families feel supported through their short break at Bluestone.
Please log on to our website to learn more about our work www.apcymru.org.uk.